The Ardent Warrior
The prayer behind the painting: I am doing the work and see the gates of reemergence appearing, but I am still vacillating between faith and fear. My soul is ready for peace, power and flow and my resistance to healing is weakening, but it’s not fully released. My vision is still blurred by illusions of certain pain if I trust God. Creator, my soul is ready to leap, please show me how to get to the next gate. The gate of reunion with You and the unimaginable good. The gate of believing and trusting.
The Message: There is no time for wavering. Where you find yourself now, is standing at the gate of mastery. Fierce resolve, intense calm, and ardent love for the inner sanctuary where you sit with God, is required to advance. Your work is to find your center in the midst of change. Cast your eye upon the goal and pull yourself forward to meet your intention. God will never abandon you, as the flower of grace is always upon your shoulder. Your home is near the river where you drink from the Divine streams. Waver not in your ardent resolve to quell the voices of discontent and use your power to firmly place your steps with confidence. Follow me or walk beside me in ordered steps to the All High. Trust Gods path for He is there in the beginning the middle and the end. Leave the surface and dive in. There is no time for impatience or skipping steps. The time for fierce resolve is now. This is your only weapon for certain triumph. Leave your illusions behind and step into the eternal light to the one that illuminates the path in the darkness. We see no illusions, only truth. The mastery you seek is blooming within you, open your heart to allow your petals to receive the true power of faith. Fierce resolve is held in the painted containers; enough for your journey and enough to share. The lever of receiving placed over my heart, summons your heart’s desire. Use it to open the gates to the unimaginable good. Peace is the outcome of fierce resolve and opening ones self, to the love that heals the heart.
Read the message, then listen to the music below while looking at the image. Often you may feel a connection or receive a personal message.